Saturday, April 6, 2013


If there is anyone actually reading this blog please comment and tell me what you guys want me to talk about I am open to any suggestions.......

Guys big news you know that game injustice gods among us it is free on all apple products today and I just got it on the iPod and its amazing I just spent like hours on it it's pretty awesome but on another note I wanted to talk about something else today.

I just finished playing Bioshock infinite and it was such an amazing game. I loved the game the graphics were phenomenal and the story was really well done. If I would have to rate the game on ten I would give it a 9.5 it was a really enjoyable game but the thing that sucks is that after I was done the story I don't have any use for it so if this blog starts to get popular I might do some giveaways with all the story based games like AC3 all that stuff.


Ok Is there anything else uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh ya I watched a couple vids on Dead Rising 2 and it looks like an awesome game. You can like make items and the game is basically just kill zombies. I really enjoy games like that where it is like just kill these guys in the most creative way possible and that is what gets you the best score. There is another game like that called BulletStorm which looks really Bad Ass because there are really cool guns and ya it looks really good might get it. Ok so that's it for this blog.

YouTube Idea

YouTube channel ideas!!!!
Ok so recently I have started to think about starting a full time YouTube channel but I am not to sure what to actually do it on.

One of my recent ideas was like a little short comedy skits sorta like Smosh but like different topics obviously. Which I haven't found many problems with that so I might do that because people seem to like that type of stuff. For example Smosh and NigaHiga they do that type of thing and Smosh is #1 subscribed on YouTube and NigaHiga is in the top ten somewhere.

I also thought about starting a gaming channel but I just realized there are so many gaming channels out there it is ridiculous it's like a 1 in a million chance and plus it cost a lot of money. I think if you want a quality gaming recorder like top of the line it's like 400 dollars or something like that and then if I want to post daily vids its gonna take a lot of time out of my day and when I get back home from school that is the only thing I would do so that wouldn't exactly work out.

Xbox vs PS3

So this topic has been a huge debate ever since both consoles have come out. Personally I own an Xbox but I didn't really have the choice because it is my brothers but now I am just gonna give you some pros and cons on both consoles and give my opinion.

Xbox Pros=

Better Online: this is one thing that I can agree with because I find the online is more protected, Microsoft pays more attention to the online gaming experience because even though the PS3 has free online there is hackers servers aren't that great etc. the overall quality isn't as good.

Cheaper than PS3. Better game library than PS3. More online players than the PS3.

360 Cons: Still some worries about hardware, though the latest models are MUCH better than the older ones, and still have the same 3 year warranty. Online play requires a subscription ($50/year). Cannot play blu-ray movies...but then again, who wants to watch movies instead of playing games? Haha

So overall just looking at these facts I would say that the Xbox is better but I might not be able to say for the new consoles. Comment on what you think is better and have a great day guys. Ciao

Friday, April 5, 2013

YouTube Documentary

Hey guys I just wanted to inform you about this new movie about the lives of youtubers. As you guys know I am a huge YouTube fan so I really enjoyed watching this movie. This movie only had 3 youtubers that I know first off there is my favorite hammer SeaNanners, Mystery Guitar Man and some other Youtuber.this movie was 7.99 to watch once and 10 to keep it but like it is really worth it and some people might think its boring but I really enjoyed it. So later I am gonna be posting something on Xbox 360 vs PS3 or something else about YouTube. Thanks guys and will talk to u later. Ciao

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Favorite YouTube Channels Part 2

Hey guys I know I said I was gonna post this tomorrow but I kinda have nothing else to do so here it is.

#4= NigaHiga: Ryan Higas channel is one of the most subscribed channel and one of the original channels on YouTube. He basically does vlogs and just talks about very funny and interesting subjects with his opinion. I have watched most of his videos and they make me die with laughter. He is one of my favorites but not #1

#3=SeaNanners: SeaNanners is a gaming channel with a guy called Adam know as SeaNanners. I Don't Know if its only me but I prefer Adam to all the other gaming channels because he is just so funny. I can literally spend hours on his channel dying of laughter. So I give Adam my #1 gaming channel.

#2=Smosh: Smosh is the most subscribed channel on YouTube because of there humor. I love these guys and they make me laugh on every single video they put up. Definitely check them out.

#1=ShayTards: And Finnaly #1 is the ShayTards. The ShayTards are not as famous as Smosh or NigaHiga but honestly I have no idea what makes me love this channel so much to give it #1on my list. ShayTards is a channel about this man called ShayCarl who does daily vlogs of him and his family. I can actually spend more than 2 hours on this channel just watching shay live his own amazing life and Shay is actually a very down to earth man that I just enjoy watching. (Stalker) haha but honestly just check him out and one thing that shay has done that has really inspired me is his huge weight loss. At the beginning of the ShayTards shay was a very large man and over the 4 years of the ShayTards shay lost so much weight. It is really an amazing story and Btw this is the last year the ShayTards are doing their daily vlogs.

Thanks guys and I will be posting more stuff later.

Favorite Youtube Channels For A 13 Year Old Gamer

Favorite Youtube Channels For A 13 year old gamer.

Hey guys,

So for my first post i just wanted to talk to you about MY TOP 10 FAVOURITE youtube channels!!!!

#10=sxephil: Now i really like Philip De Franco because he incorporates daily news which i find supper boring into something funny and interesting.

#9=Smosh Games: i really enjoy Smosh games and i put it at #9 because sometimes i feel like i am not that amused with their content but when i am i am dying of laughter. For example whenever Jovenshire loses all the bets he possibly can and has to face the punishment. OMG its so funny.

#8=Epic Meal Time: I love epic meal time for one they are really funny and second they are from Montreal.........REPRESENT.........haha ok so anyways i really enjoy watching them make these monstrous dishes and then proceed to eat them.

#7=Freddiew: Freddiew is an amazing action channel. for those of you that don't know Freddiew is a guy who makes amazing short videos of little action scenes. i often found myself wanting more and more action but sadly freddiew has stopped making videos but not permanently. He is now working on VGHS Season 2 (Video Game High School). although i hate that he stopped making videos on his main channel VGHS season 1 was amazing i think i watched it over 20 times. You guys should definetely check it out.

#6=RayWilliamJohnson: Ray is funny.

#5=RoosterTeeth: Rooster Teeth is one of the funniest gaming channels out there and one of the most professional. If you go on there channel you will easily be there for a good 2 hours because their video are just so entertaining and you always want more.

The rest of this list is gonna come sometime tomorrow or this week i hope you guys enjoyed.  

Hey Guys,

Hey Guys,

Today is the first day of my blog and i just wanted to tell you guys a bit about myself. I am a 13 year old boy named Adriano and I live In Montreal Canada, and for all you americans who think canada is like the north pole well i hate to break your hearts but we do not live in igloos with penguins and polar bears. One of my favourite things to do on my spare time is to PLAY VIDEO GAMES and i am a huge fan of watching youtube. On this blog you will mostly be reading about my everyday life and what it is like to be a 13 year old gamer in canada. Bye